The Boss of The Plains Hat

The Boss of the Plains hat is the original cowboy hat worn by working cowboys in the 1800’s. The Boss of the Plains hat protected the cowboy from the weather . It was the main part of the cowboys woredrobe. You can get a custom hand made boss of the plains hat made just like the one in the 1800’s. You can choose the quality of fur felt 100 % beaver or 50 % beaver or 100 % European Hare.


  1. 20150925_14532220150925_14442120150925_14511620151005_1750422015-08-11 22.20.102015-05-07 10.33.412015-05-07 10.54.32antique hats 061antique hats 08720150219_184633_resizedBoss Charcoal Shapsboss on saddle 3boss on shaps pistolboss eeblack boss ddsblack boss shaps uuboss shaps wwBoss of plains side of bootsBoss of the plains distressedGetAttachment20140815_095713black boss20140813_15243620140731_112419 (2)20140731_121632_resizedhats 2014 july 138
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