Boss of the Plains Hat

At Staker Custom Hats you can get your Boss of the Plains Hat just the way you want it. You can have the brim any size as well as the crown. You can choose your color and size of ribbon. That’s why you get a custom made hat is so you can have it just the way you want. The original Boss of the plains hat that the cowboys wore were light in color because they were out on the range with the suns rays beating down on them. The 3 1/2 to 4″ brim worked well in shading the sun from of the cowboys head and neck. His bandana also worked in shading his neck from the sun. I have pushed cattle in southern Utah and my Boss of the Plains hat worked great in protecting me from the sun. Once I used a cowboy hat that had a shaped brim and it didn’t protect me from the sun like a flat brimmed Boss of the plains hat. If you like to reenact the olden days and dress up like a real cowboy you have to have a Boss of the Plains hat.







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