Vintage Hat Bands


Vintage Leather Hat Bands All of our vintage hat bands are unique and one of a kind. No two hat bands are exactly alike.  They are all hand made in our shop.  We are recreating  hat bands they would have worn back in the old west. The Vintage Leather for these hat bands are hard to acquire and they are all different because of the age.

20160711_14462120160711_14470720160711_09044220160711_09042020160711_14472820160609_13305820160706_09460220160202_14294620150511_09262820150511_0932006e9ab2a26b2102201028f543f2590cd220150522_084254vintage hats 06120141222_102827_resizedVal's Cattleman 5hats 2014 july 138



Hat BandsHat Band 3Hat Band 2HOpen crown Range Hat 20140713_224235 hats 2014 july 138 20140713_224807pictures from phone 2014 191hats 2014 july 142