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Fedora comes from

The word fedora comes from the title of an 1882 play by dramatist Victorian Sardou, Fedora , written for Sarah Bernhart. The play was first performed in the United States in 1889. Bernhardt played Princess Fédora, the heroine of the play. During the play, Bernhardt wore a center creased, soft brimmed hat. The hat was fashionable […]

SASS members

Sass Members should buy there hats from Staker Custom Hats so they can get the hat that they have always wanted and the fit too. Sass Members will be able to design there perfect cowboy hat and they will turn heads. If you want to look like a real cowboy that lived in the 1800″s […]

C M Russell

C M Russell the artist,  painted many cowboy’s  in his artwork of the old west. He even worked as a cowboy in his younger years, so he had a good understanding of the wardrobe of the cowboy . His hats are all boss of the plains hats with short brims and open crowns. Some of the […]

Band Blocks

Band blocks are used in making hats. After measuring a persons head shape we take the pattern and cut out what is called a band block. This band block is used to form the hat to so that the hat has the shape of the persons head. Not every person has the same shape of […]